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[edit]Textome is an unfortunate (and not widely used) replacement term for genre or, more narrowly, corpus in the context of text analysis (I haven't wikilinked genre as there is not yet a disambiguation page that would separate the artistic and textual usages of the term). "Genre" and "corpus" have not been widely adopted by bioinformaticians who are conducting text analysis due to their (general) lack of connection with the deep history of textual analysis outside of the the bioinformatics community (I'm speaking from first hand experience). It is doubly unfortunate because it mixes the established 'omics' of biological entities with the forced 'omics' of biological information (consider computomics, microvisualomics, radiomics, etc.). All that being said, it can have a certain value as a term, but not as a primary article title in Wikipedia. I would suggest rather that textome be redirected to corpus. There are related alternatives that would reference information retrieval or related (extant or yet to be authored) articles. Thanks for considering this. Courtland 2005-01-31 USA ~22:45 EST