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<LSD-N-DMT> you took some coke

<LSD-N-DMT> with..

<DryGrain> ?

<LSD-N-DMT> that chemical?

<DryGrain> which

<DryGrain> what

<DryGrain> huh

<LSD-N-DMT> the chemical

<LSD-N-DMT> they r talking about in the channel

<DryGrain> dihydrogen monoxide?

<LSD-N-DMT> yes

<DryGrain> have i taken coke with it?

<LSD-N-DMT> jung told me you have

<LSD-N-DMT> and i dont know what that chemical is

<LSD-N-DMT> was just wondering

<LSD-N-DMT> [18:53:52] <jungboho> drygrain had some coke laced with it

<LSD-N-DMT> [18:53:56] <jungboho> speak to him

<DryGrain> oh

<DryGrain> yeah

<DryGrain> but dude

<DryGrain> its allover the place

<DryGrain> in the air, in the oceans and rivers, in your food...

<DryGrain> lil bit in coke was no biggie

<LSD-N-DMT> what does it do to youZ?

<LSD-N-DMT> i mean

<LSD-N-DMT> how bad is it

<LSD-N-DMT> what does it do

<LSD-N-DMT> etc.

<DryGrain> well

<DryGrain> theres never been testing on it

<DryGrain> just like most psychedelics

<LSD-N-DMT> what did it do to you?

<DryGrain> ehmmm

<DryGrain> it was different

<DryGrain> really potentiated he coke

<LSD-N-DMT> urmm..

<LSD-N-DMT> bad come down?

<DryGrain> not really

<DryGrain> but hey

<DryGrain> science knows as much about it as they do all the psychedelics youre bashing

<LSD-N-DMT> iam not bashing psyhedelics

<LSD-N-DMT> :\

<LSD-N-DMT> why would i bash psyhedelics when its all i do now adays

<LSD-N-DMT> i believe in psyhedelics alot

<LSD-N-DMT> but

<LSD-N-DMT> abusing them

<DryGrain> well youre saying with no supporting evidence that they cause brain damage and insanity

<LSD-N-DMT> as some serious health risks

<LSD-N-DMT> read information

<LSD-N-DMT> see for yourself

<DryGrain> theres no proof or even suggestive evidence

<LSD-N-DMT> sure there is

<DryGrain> what information

<DryGrain> where

<LSD-N-DMT> just read up www.erowid.com or pick up some books on psyhedelics

<DryGrain> i have

<DryGrain> still no scientific evidence

<LSD-N-DMT> how long u been doing psyhedelics?

<DryGrain> they cite no sources

<DryGrain> just unsupported claims

<LSD-N-DMT> u cant relay on information on drugs all the time they dont support what happends to alot of bodies i believe what i believe because i have been using psyhedelics for almost 10 years

<LSD-N-DMT> and i can cleary see brain damage

<LSD-N-DMT> and vision damnage

<DryGrain> ...or youre getting older mabye?

<LSD-N-DMT> nope

<DryGrain> dont blame your lump of decaying organic matter's composting process on the drugs

<LSD-N-DMT> how old r u?

<DryGrain> thats irrelevant to the debate

<LSD-N-DMT> actully

<LSD-N-DMT> its very relevant

<LSD-N-DMT> could u please tell me your age

<DryGrain> youre attempting to gain personal information and attack my credibility rather than addressing the issues im bringing up

<LSD-N-DMT> well..

<LSD-N-DMT> u sound young

<LSD-N-DMT> maybe

<LSD-N-DMT> under 20

<LSD-N-DMT> urmm...

<LSD-N-DMT> when i was that age i would try to find anything to protect drugs

<LSD-N-DMT> and be in denial

<DryGrain> i want you to confront the fact that there is no conclusive evidence that "drugs are bad", no matter what thetv says

<LSD-N-DMT> and make them seem safe and reasonable

<LSD-N-DMT> well drugs r very bad

<LSD-N-DMT> ive had some crazy fucked up freinds from drugs

<LSD-N-DMT> it depends on the mind

<LSD-N-DMT> some minds Drugs work great for you

<LSD-N-DMT> but others

<LSD-N-DMT> destory their world and their mind

<DryGrain> sigh

<LSD-N-DMT> mind+body works differently with every chemical

<DryGrain> so you live in an ethical dilemma?

<LSD-N-DMT> have u gotten out of high school?

<LSD-N-DMT> lol

<LSD-N-DMT> experience the chemicals

<LSD-N-DMT> before u talk about them

<DryGrain> "drugs are bad" = true | i do drugs | i ama bad person

<LSD-N-DMT> iam talking from experience

<DryGrain> excuse me

<DryGrain> once again

<LSD-N-DMT> your talking from bullshit

<DryGrain> youre trying to attack me rather than the issues im addressing

<LSD-N-DMT> actully

<LSD-N-DMT> your trying to attack me

<LSD-N-DMT> on my beliefs

<DryGrain> lets keep this civil

<LSD-N-DMT> your so hypocritical

<LSD-N-DMT> hahaha

<DryGrain> im attacking your beliefs not you

<LSD-N-DMT> whateverrrr!

<DryGrain> okay

<LSD-N-DMT> how can u attack a belief

<LSD-N-DMT> without knowledge

<LSD-N-DMT> or experience?

<DryGrain> why do you assume i have no knowledge of expierience

<LSD-N-DMT> sounds kinda ignorant to me

<LSD-N-DMT> if u did u would have brought that up eariler

<DryGrain> you know what sounds ignorant to me?

<DryGrain> watching TV and trusting the american media to tell the truth

<LSD-N-DMT> well iam sure your coked out mind will think of sumtin


<LSD-N-DMT> well

<LSD-N-DMT> seeing

<DryGrain> and then saying its common sense

<LSD-N-DMT> iam not from america

<DryGrain> florida

<LSD-N-DMT> lol

<LSD-N-DMT> yup

<DryGrain> yeah you are

<LSD-N-DMT> but only been here a little bit

<DryGrain> oh i see

<LSD-N-DMT> i dont watch american tv

<LSD-N-DMT> and work for a euro company here

<DryGrain> mhm mhm

<LSD-N-DMT> i dont even speak english to anyone

<LSD-N-DMT> but on the computer

<LSD-N-DMT> lol

<DryGrain> so where do you get the idea that it should be obvious that drugs are bad

<LSD-N-DMT> i never said they are bad

<LSD-N-DMT> i believe...

<LSD-N-DMT> they dont work with alot of people

<LSD-N-DMT> thats proven

<LSD-N-DMT> especially psyhedelics

<DryGrain> you never said they are bad?

<DryGrain> wait wait wait

<DryGrain> ill let you retract that

<LSD-N-DMT> maybe i said that over there

<LSD-N-DMT> but i said...

<DryGrain> tell me what you meant

<LSD-N-DMT> they are bad to alot of people

<LSD-N-DMT> i believe

<LSD-N-DMT> urmm.. okie..

<LSD-N-DMT> i believe.. that alot of drugs are bad to alot of people

<LSD-N-DMT> and dont work right

<LSD-N-DMT> main reason

<LSD-N-DMT> most of the chemicals r illegal

<DryGrain> what do you mean dont work right?

<LSD-N-DMT> is for dumb users

<LSD-N-DMT> who shouldnt be using

<LSD-N-DMT> well...

<LSD-N-DMT> like dumb asses who go on a trip after they havbe the worst day of their life

<DryGrain> or mabye the reason theres dumb users is because the drugs are illegal?

<DryGrain> hmmmm?

<LSD-N-DMT> than they find them self syaing their a glass of oranger juice

<LSD-N-DMT> bout to fall down

<LSD-N-DMT> and die

<LSD-N-DMT> in a mental hospital

<LSD-N-DMT> heheh

<LSD-N-DMT> lol

<DryGrain> if the drugs were legal

<LSD-N-DMT> well its not

<DryGrain> the information about them and using them responsibly would be freely available

<LSD-N-DMT> so dont say "irrlevent" information :)

<DryGrain> a lack of that creates dumb users

<LSD-N-DMT> drugs will never be legalized in america

<LSD-N-DMT> hehe

<LSD-N-DMT> maybe in some euro countries

<DryGrain> its not irrelevant im explaining to you that correlation does not imply causation

<LSD-N-DMT> shit pot isnt even legal yet

<LSD-N-DMT> urmm..

<LSD-N-DMT> speak english for me please

<LSD-N-DMT> :|

<LSD-N-DMT> i speak like 3 other langauges

<LSD-N-DMT> hehe

<LSD-N-DMT> my englishh sux

<DryGrain> youre assuming that "drugs are illegal because people who use them are uneducated about them"

<DryGrain> i'm saying that both of those are true but its not cause and effect

<DryGrain> drugs are illegal = true

<DryGrain> most users are uneducated = true

<DryGrain> one didnt have to cause the other

<LSD-N-DMT> okay

<LSD-N-DMT> also.. most people who use drugs these days use them on their problems

<LSD-N-DMT> :\

<DryGrain> these days?

<LSD-N-DMT> yeah back in the day people used drugs for medical/enlightment/addicition withdrawling(to the medical section)

<DryGrain> thats been one of the major motivations for altered consciouness throughout history

<LSD-N-DMT> now they use them for other reasons

<DryGrain> ...back in the day?

<DryGrain> alcohol has been around as long as written history

<DryGrain> other that sterilization as a medical use, alcohol has no use other than to escape ones worries

<LSD-N-DMT> i have no interest in the information of alcoholl

<LSD-N-DMT> nahh

<LSD-N-DMT> i get drunk for my pain

<LSD-N-DMT> another reason i use psyhedelics

<LSD-N-DMT> is for my medical reasons

<LSD-N-DMT> numbs me like

<LSD-N-DMT> no other

<LSD-N-DMT> :)

<DryGrain> uhm

<DryGrain> wtf

<DryGrain> rephrase everything you just said

<LSD-N-DMT> you know what MD is?

<LSD-N-DMT> the disease

<DryGrain> they stand for quite a few things

<LSD-N-DMT> muscle disase

<DryGrain> muscular dystrophy

<LSD-N-DMT> ja :)

<LSD-N-DMT> i have that

<DryGrain> okay

<LSD-N-DMT> thats why i use drugs

<DryGrain> o the reason you use hallucinogens is because they help your MD, and the pretty colors and spiritual enlightentment are just a side effect?

<DryGrain> thats sounds like a crock to me

<LSD-N-DMT> hahahha

<LSD-N-DMT> nahh

<LSD-N-DMT> i like the numbing effects from psyhedelics

<LSD-N-DMT> but of course i use psyhedelics for spirtuial enlightment

<DryGrain> hm

<DryGrain> we were talkinging abut motivations for drug use

<DryGrain> theres only a few major ones

<LSD-N-DMT> agreeable

<LSD-N-DMT> urmm i wish i had you on a more energeitic day

<LSD-N-DMT> hehe

<LSD-N-DMT> so i could fight and argue

<LSD-N-DMT> i wasnt looking to have a debate today

<DryGrain> im eneretic

<LSD-N-DMT> too damn tired

<LSD-N-DMT> im far from it

<DryGrain> ill be even more so when my dealer gets back

<LSD-N-DMT> i woke up at 8am and got 3 hours of sleep

<LSD-N-DMT> hehe

<DryGrain> by the way

<LSD-N-DMT> now its 7.20

<DryGrain> dihydrogen monoxide is one of the many names for water

<LSD-N-DMT> okie

<DryGrain> and if you read over everything i said about it, its all true

<LSD-N-DMT> lets debate later when i can

<DryGrain> mhm

<LSD-N-DMT> okay

<LSD-N-DMT> im gunna go to sleep for a little bit :\

<LSD-N-DMT> ready to pass out

<LSD-N-DMT> your young

<LSD-N-DMT> and probably some dopamine junkie

<DryGrain> im not

<LSD-N-DMT> you have energy

<LSD-N-DMT> lol

<LSD-N-DMT> iam older

<LSD-N-DMT> and tired

<LSD-N-DMT> hehe

<DryGrain> i prefer GABA and endorphins

<DryGrain> dopamines nice too tho

<LSD-N-DMT> hehe

<LSD-N-DMT> :)

<DryGrain> have fun

<LSD-N-DMT> i prefer psyhedelics

<LSD-N-DMT> but old these days

<LSD-N-DMT> can only do it every now and than

<LSD-N-DMT> cyas mate

<LSD-N-DMT> auf widersehen