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I was born on the 14th of May in Canterbury, England. When I turned 5 I started primary school and then at 11 moved up to secondary school in Canterbury. In 2002 I moved to Sacramento, California. We moved with my dads job, and were on a 2 year contract. After the two years, we had to decide what we wanted to do, whether we wanted to move back to England or stay in California. We decided to stay in California due to the fact that my dad felt that he had not done enough with his work here. I am still here to this day and we may possibly still move back, we are not sure, it is partly my choice now as I am now in 10th grade and if we stay here I will graduate in another 2 and a half years. Then it depends on which university I want to go to. Some of the things I like are music, dogs, cats, animals in general and acting. I have had many animals in my life, in England I had 2 cats, many goldfish, a rabbit and a hamster and while I have been here I have raised one guide dog puppy in training whose name was Whatley.